twinning shear中文什么意思

发音:   用"twinning shear"造句
  • twin:    adj. 1.孪生的。 2.成对的, ...
  • shear:    vt.,vi. (sheared, ...
  • twinning:    产双胎; 成对;形成双晶; 孪晶形成 ...
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  1. Twin shear stress yield criterion
  2. New yield equation based on geometric midline of error triangles between tresca and twin shear stress yield loci
  3. Through establishing a new stress to gain another stress in structure strength test and making a judgment to apply the twin shear stress , the thesis offers a total theory and gets a mechanical premise
  4. Systematic study is done for the strain energy density factor criterion , distortional strain energy density factor criterion , dilatational strain energy density factor criterion , circumferential tensile stress criterion , energy release rate criterion and twin shear stress criterion
  5. Basing on compressive mechanism and main factors that impact compressive strength , the compressive strength formulas of block masonry are establish , using stress and strain method respectively ; basing on mechanism of shear and main factors that impact shear strength , the shearing strength formulas of block masonry are set up , introducing hoffman rule and the twin shear strength theory method respectively


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  6. twinning stress 什么意思
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